From My Heart to Yours

Girl, Are You Out of Your Ever-lovin' Mind?
This experience of growing older is quite interesting. On so many levels. It just isn’t about the physical part. It is almost more about the emotional and soul part.   I remember when I was younger,...
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True Validation
Hey there, friends!   I have been doing a lot of soul searching lately and have come to realize that validation, or lack thereof, was taking a toll on me. According to one definition on,...
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When I Ask
HOW ARE YOU DOING?   When I ask how you are doing, that really isn’t what I mean.   What I am really trying to say is I know your heart is broken. I know your life has been turned upside...
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We are in a Health Crisis. True or False?
Well, friends. The data is in and we are in fact right smack in the middle of a health crisis. And it’s not pretty.   At the time of this writing, it is estimated that 93.2% of Americans are “metabolically...
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