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That “Something”

Hey, friend. Can we talk? What in your life brings you joy? Is there something that you love to do? What gives you a sense of purpose? 
Maybe it’s your family and/or friends, your job, a hobby. Maybe it’s multiple somethings. If you’re like me, that “something” has changed over the years. Honestly, there have been times in my life when it just wasn’t there at all. I didn’t have a clue what would bring me joy or what I was searching for. And then, let’s face it, there are times when life gets so busy, so chaotic, that we just do what we have to do to get from one day to the next. I get it. I also know, that having that something sure makes a difference. Life seems brighter. More joyful. More purposeful.
I wonder how many folks feel as if that something is not within their reach, or that they don’t deserve it. Some of us might feel that it just doesn’t really matter once we reach a certain stage of life. Sadly, we are not always encouraged to pursue our dreams or interests. Maybe we are actually being discouraged. Sometimes the discouragement comes from society, sometimes from family or friends, and other times it is our own inner negative voice. Why is that?
I am finding that discovering that something can be life-changing, no matter the phase of life. It is music to the soul. It renews our self-worth. It can put a pep in our step. I know this to be true because I have recently stumbled across a new passion. Something that brings me joy and a sense of purpose. I wasn’t even aware that I was searching for something. My life was so full and so blessed that I thought it was complete. I had settled comfortably into my roles as wife, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and DeeDee. Why would I need anything else? 
But guess what? Even with all those wonderful blessings, a whole new world presented itself to me. I rediscovered a desire (a need) to learn and grow and to add value. I guess I thought that as a sixties-something I should be content and just coast through life in my current comfort zone. That was definitely an option. But pursing this new thing, this new adventure, has added so much to my life. I feel inspired again. It has improved my mindset, my relationships, my zest for life. For me, the something has been stepping into the world of health and wellness. It began with a curiosity, that turned into learning, that turned into an obsession to learn more and more and more. I then started to feel that nudge to reach out and share my story, hoping to make a difference in someone else’s life. This blog (which was completely out of my comfort zone) is one of the results of my newfound passion.
How ’bout you? Maybe your “something” is crocheting, or woodworking, or training for a half marathon, or even going back to school. Maybe your interests center around reading, or gardening, or crafting. Or maybe your new puppy fills you with renewed joy and a new sense of purpose.
Friend, no matter where you are on your life’s journey, I encourage you to keep pursuing. Keep adding. Keep learning. Stay curious. This is about what YOU love, what YOU want to try, what YOU want to learn, what will bring YOU joy. Stay open and alert and willing because what lands on your path might pleasantly surprise you.
With all that said, I do know that life can take us to some pretty tough places, and we simply can’t find the energy or the desire to make it better. We are just trying to breathe. I understand that sometimes the days seem so dark that we lose all hope. I know. I’ve been there. If this is where you find yourself, please hang in there. At one point, I couldn’t imagine there would be joy in my life again. I was afraid to believe. But with time, prayer, and lots of tears, it did eventually come. The sun is shining again. My prayer for you is that you find the strength to remain open to hope and you can start believing again. Embrace those rays of sunshine. Be alert to the unexpected. Truth be told, your current sorrow could someday lead you down a path that will help others. You could be the light someone else desperately needs. 
What I have learned on my journey:
  1. It is never too late to find that something which will bring you joy.
  2. Dreams, interests, and passions can enhance and reframe life in exciting and unplanned ways.
  3. Continued learning keeps us connected and opens the door for growth. Both are very important.
  4. Having a sense of purpose is vital for optimal well-being. 
  5. Receiving encouragement and support from others adds to the enjoyment of our achievements.
  6. Never, ever give up. 
So, friends, keep seeking. Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep sharing. And don’t forget to encourage and support others.
Here’s to new dreams, new interests, new passions.
God bless,

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